SubZero Coolant

Monday, 08 July 2024

SubZero downloads


SubZero smart coolant controller

The XoomSpeed SubZero coolant system is a multi-function accessory for Tormach mills, consisting of a custom app for an Android tablet.or phone, a micro-processor based controller with USB and bluetooth (BLE) connectivity and optionally one or more servo modules with up to 4 independently movable coolant nozzles.

To install the Android app, visit the downloads page and select the version you want from there.

The functions provided by the SubZero system, may be grouped as follows

  • CNC pendant
    The Android app provides all the functions you would expect from an advanced CNC pendant. Cycle start/stop and feed hold buttons, machine jogging and an array of user programmable buttons to simplify tasks that usually require commands to be typed into the PathPilot MDI.
  • Coolant I/O
    There are 4 solid state relays (SSRs) provided, each good for 0.5A at 24Vdc. These can be mapped to any of the coolant modes as required and can be set to pulse when active at user programmable period and duty cycle.
  • Extended coolant modes
    The normal use for the SSRs is to provide control outputs for additional coolant modes. The user can choose which output(s) are mapped to which coolant modes and support is included for Fusion360's Air, Mist, Flood and Mist+Flood modes. The outputs can be set to pulse when active, so the Air coolant output can be set to turn on for 0.5s every 3s for as long as air coolant mode is enabled. This is useful for clearing chips when machining materials like delrin.
    Mist and flood modes are controlled by the standard M7 and M8 codes, so require no modification to existing g-code.
    Air and Mist+Flood are set by M7P1 and M7P2 respectively.  The latest version of our Fusion 360 post-processor will generate these codes when your CAM ops specify Fusion's Air or Mist+Flood coolant modes.
  • Programmable coolant nozzles
    With the servo module(s), the aim and scan pattern of each nozzle can be programmed separately for each tool in your library. When a program is running, the tool number and coolant mode are automatically tracked to ensure that the correct nozzle is always aimed as programmed for the tool in use.  This is handled by a python plug-in and requires no modifications to your g-code.

In the following video clip, you can see the SubZero system in use with a program that drills and thread mills two holes.  The nozzle furthest from the camera is configured for air coolant (M7P1).  This is used, with pulsing enabled, to clear chips from the tool setter when the drills are being measured.  The nozzle nearest the camera is used for mist coolant (M7).  It is used without scanning for spot drill and chamfer operations and with scan for drill and thread mill operations.


For more info on the SubZero system, see the online manual.


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This site was last updated 07/08/24